
We help people around the world lead safer, healthier and happier lives. We accomplish these goals by providing knowledgeable health advice, late-breaking medical news, useful health tips, pre-emergency information, preventative safety products as well as research and services including corporate seminars and public lectures dealing with safe travel, safe living and general health.

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Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Local flood info line for Mesquite, #NV

The following message is transmitted at the request of the Mesquite (Nevada) police department for the benefit of area residents affected by flooding tonight.
  • Local flood info line for Mesquite: 702-346-5295 X5101.
  • Designated evacuation center: Virgin Valley High School, Mesquite.
  • Google map of this location: http://maps.google.com/maps
Important note: most flood injuries and deaths are caused by drivers trying to maneuver their vehicles through flooded areas. They underestimate the power of flood waters and/or the depths of standing water. When in doubt, turn the vehicle around and drive another way to your safe evacuation point. Never attempt to drive through a flooded area: as little as six inches of standing water can disable a vehicle, cause it to lose power and carry it downstream out of control. 

Flood waters may also have powerful undercurrents that are not visible on the surface. Fallen power lines near water may also cause dangerous, potentially fatal, electric shocks to be "hidden" in wet, driven areas. Never leave the safety of your vehicle and enter the water unless you are in clear and present danger due to water filling the passenger compartment of your vehicle.

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We help people around the world lead safer, healthier and happier lives. We accomplish these goals by providing knowledgeable health advice, late-breaking medical news, useful health tips, pre-emergency information, preventative safety products as well as research and services including corporate seminars and public lectures dealing with safe travel, safe living and general health. Site copyright © 2009 Strategic Licensing Corporation. All Rights Reserved