
We help people around the world lead safer, healthier and happier lives. We accomplish these goals by providing knowledgeable health advice, late-breaking medical news, useful health tips, pre-emergency information, preventative safety products as well as research and services including corporate seminars and public lectures dealing with safe travel, safe living and general health.

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Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Avoid Haiti donation scams

Over the past few hours we have seen an increasing number of dubious donation pleas relating to the disaster relief efforts in Haiti. Many of these suggest you text a code to a mobile phone service to give $10 (or other sum of money).

Simply put, there is no clear and accurate way to verify if these donations will make it to Haiti. These may be scams and should be avoided.

Instead, use the American or Canadian Red Cross organizations to donate money:

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We help people around the world lead safer, healthier and happier lives. We accomplish these goals by providing knowledgeable health advice, late-breaking medical news, useful health tips, pre-emergency information, preventative safety products as well as research and services including corporate seminars and public lectures dealing with safe travel, safe living and general health. Site copyright © 2009 Strategic Licensing Corporation. All Rights Reserved